FHA 223(f) Apartment Loans - Freddie Mac - Fannie Mae Multifamily

FHA 223(f) Apartment Loans - Freddie Mac - Fannie Mae Multifamily
National Apartment Loans

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

new Small balance loans - fix/rehab type loans Chicago Suburbs Scott 847-903-7578 Chuck 773-259-7074

Small balance loans and focus on "story book" type  loans which need to close fast and loans that banks will not fund on  (i.e. broken condos, fix/rehab type loans, etc).

Or the standards for existing apartments FNMA and FHA RATES

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Apartment rates move down on good news the Government is open.FNMA and Freddy open since congress not involved :)

Bad news they went on vacation without re-authorizing FHA lending limit silly guys so no new FHA apartment and home loans resulting in slight downward pressure on home values and owner equity 

Hopefully they will return from vacation refreshed and ready to get America back to bidness

Apartment Loan Rates Link

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Apartment Loan rates March 20, 2013 FHA 223 F FNMA Small loan FNMA


APARTMENT LOAN RATES 847 903 7578KENDALL REALTY ADVISORSkendallrealty@gmail.com





FHA 223 (f) refinance / purchhase35 year term non-recourse Min size $1,500,00083.30% LTV purchase and NO cash out Refinance 87.5% Affordable Housing75% LTV Cash out Refinance 87.5% 100% Affordable Large Loans $25,000,000 to $500,000,000+ subject to Central Review and Approval1.2 to1 DSC - 100% Affordable 1.15 to 1FHA 223(f) Processing times from 4 to 7 months


ALL IN FHA 223 F 35 YR Apartment rate3.58%add 20 basis points 232 /223 f health care assisted living35 year TERM fixed self amoritzedTypical FHA 223(f) upfront costs $15,000


Apartment Loan Programswww.kendallrealtyadvisors.com



FNMA DUSTIER II (2) 1.25 to 1 DSC 75% LTVTIER III (3) 1.35 to 1 DSC 65% LTVTIER IV (4) 1.55 to 1 DSC 55% LTV2 months to commitment max in most casesTypically 30 year amortization balloon lons


10 Year 9.5 YM4.17%3.98%3.80%Standard DUS PROGRAM nationally $1,000,000 to $100,000,000 plus Application Fee for reports $15,000 most deals very large call for quote


30 year FNMA 5.35%Call for 5, 7, 15 and 30 yearMIN LOAN AMOUNT $1,000,000LOW COSTS



SMALL APART LOANTIER II (2) 1.25 to 1 DSC 75% LTVTIER III (3) 1.35 to 1 DSC 65% LTVTIER IV (4) 1.55 to 1 DSC 55% LTV***Nationally - FNMA Specified MSA and all national locations using FNMA rules for rate add on by location and size.***


10 Year 9.5 YM4.36%4.28%4.08%LOW COST LOANS FOR STRONG BORROWER NET WORTH EQUAL TO LOAN SIZE ONE YEAR Debt Service Liquidity LOANS from $750,000 to $5m - $4,500 app fee cost Major Cities NY, Chicago and more only




Treasury bond rates0.80%1.30%1.94%3.17%Updated 9:35 am June 11, 2012


Treasury Bond Term Years571030


Freddie MacDeal by Deal pricing high 3% to low 5%Typically prefer larger loans large MSA'sDeal by Deal - Up, Down, Equal by 10 to 20 basis points FNMA tier levelTime frame longer approval not delagated add one month over FNMACALL FOR QUOTE (847) 903-7578 FREDDIE MAC FNMA FHA - SCOTTExpanding conservative loans for Student Housing Assisted living













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